7th Grade English Language Arts Syllabus: 2024-2025
Mrs. Patel’s Contact Information
Room: 711
Course Description:
This course is an introduction to Literature. Students will examine and apply composition formats to real life experiences. Literary and technical reading, writing, speaking and listening activities will be integrated throughout the course of study. This course is aligned with the district and state standards and supports schoolwide efforts to increase student achievement.
We will be using most of the Course Content from McGraw-Hill StudySync and NoRedInk.
Folder/Binder with section dedicated to ELA with lined paper
Spiral Notebook (red color)
- RED PEN (for student editing and corrections)
Several pens with black or blue ink (other colors acceptable for annotations/notes only)
#2 pencils (mechanical pencils are fine)
Three highlighter pens (preferably different colors)
Post-It Notes
Grade Distribution: Formative Assignments and Summative Assignments
Formative: Reading, Writing, Speaking/Listening, Language
Summative: Formative and Summative assessments reflect: class notes, reading comprehension, class discussions, vocabulary, class projects, etc.
*Coursework that cannot be read will receive a “0” for incomplete until resubmission*
Missing Work: If an assignment is not turned in (either in person or on Canvas when absent), the student will receive a score of a "0". This "0" can be replaced if and when the assignment is turned in; however, if the assignment is never turned in by the end of a unit or quarter, the "0" will remain as a final grade. Credit will not be given when work is not turned in.
Late Work: All work is due within two weeks of the assigned date and/or end of the grading period. Late work is accepted for full credit; however, we always expect students to turn in their work “on time” in order to create good work habits. In the event that work is not being completed, then the students may need to use alternate times to complete assignments.
A “0” will be entered in the Gradebook until the work is submitted. A notation of “M” for missing or “L” for late work will also be denoted in the Gradebook.
Students will still be responsible for turning in late work in addition to their current coursework, which results in the natural consequence of a heavier workload. The primary consequence for students not completing the work is to complete the work.
Tests/Re-Assessments: Students will have the opportunity to retake or make corrections to assessments. Students are required to show evidence of learning and applying the teacher’s feedback in order to earn a reassessment opportunity. Therefore, students must complete ALL formative work to qualify for retaking a summative assessment. Each teacher may have a different procedure for this actual process, but all teachers will offer the opportunity to improve a final grade on a test/assessment.
Please note: Final assessments or end of term projects and performance assessments will not be eligible for retakes.
PowerSchool Access: The PowerSchool site allows parents/guardians and students to access the student’s grades, attendance, and other information. It is highly recommended that both students and parents monitor grades, assignments, etc. and express concerns if they arise.
Canvas: The DVUSD Canvas application will be used on a regular basis. The weekly schedule, assignments, announcements etc. will be updated daily. Please check on a regular basis.
Students are expected to attend class daily and be prepared. This includes having all required materials, assignments ready to hand in, and being actively engaged in class discussions.
If you are absent it is your responsibility to look at Canvas, see what materials were missed, and ask for any handouts. You are still responsible for all material learned in class, and all assignments completed.
Behavior Expectations:
Students will bring all specified materials to class every day.
Students will respect the teacher, themselves, and others as well as their property possessions.
Students will remain focused on the learning process.
No student will be allowed to disrupt the learning of any other student in my classroom. Disciplinary action will be immediate.
Electronics: Improper use of electronic devices is prohibited and items will be confiscated. This includes, but is not limited to: cell phones, smart watches, iPad, kindles, etc. *Please note: a cell phone is not an acceptable substitute for your Chromebook.
Cell Phones: If a student uses the phone or has it out, it will be confiscated until the end of the day (it will remain safe in the office). If a student refuses to give their phone to their teacher, the interaction is considered insubordination (a major offense in the student handbook), referral will be written and the parent/guardian must pick up the confiscated item from the office.
Students will follow all classroom, school, and district policies at all times. This includes proper dress code.
Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated in any form, please refer to student handbook for further outline.
Classroom Procedure:
Upon entering the classroom students will promptly begin “Bell Work.” This means that students are always ready for class (All class materials especially pencils are ready to go!)
Instruction will take place in the form of collaborative activities, short lectures, note sessions for new material, and mini-lessons.
Independent or group activity with teacher facilitating and monitoring is included.
This class involves “bell to bell” instruction. The students will remain in their seats when class starts. They are dismissed from class when the dismissal bell rings and NOT before.
Novel and Movie Permission: During the course of the school year, students will be reading and viewing a variety of materials. Some of the materials are rated G, PG, or PG13 and require permission to view. We may view/read all or a portion of the following plus other educational materials as warranted: The Hobbit, Nothing But the Truth, The House on Mango Street, Uglies
For a detailed look at the Diamond Canyon School Policies and Expectations, please refer to the School Handbook, located on the school website and on the seventh grade web page.